• 美国加急签证申请经验及传真模板

  • 时间:2010-08-15 14:45:54  来源:互联网  作者:爱旅行网

Expedited Visa Appointment Request
August 12, 2008

Dear Visa Officer,
I am writing to request a visa expedited appointment. I have been invited to work as a XXX at XXX in the United States. I have made an appointment first through the China Visa Call Center and scheduled an interview on September 11,2008. However, my appointment should have begun on August 11, 2008. So if my visa interview is on September 11, I have to be late for my work appointment for at least half and a month.
The job as XXX is of great importance to me. I am determined to become an expert on XXX and this job will provide great help to my career. My training mentor XXX, has similar research interest with me and will certainly assist me to accomplish this goal.Besides, Dr. XXX has discussed XXX plan with me in early July and hoped me to start my work as soon as possible. Although Dr.XXX appreciate my talent on XXX, he thought it would benefit me a lot if I started as early as possible due to my lack of experience in XXX. I agreed with him so I promised I would go to the United States early.
However, I have made a regular visa appointment on September 11, 2008, which is too late for me. So I do appreciate your kind help if I can make an expedited appointment on August 19, 2008 or August 20, 2008 so I can have one week to prepare for my visa interview.
For you convenience, I list my regular visa appointment information as followi
First Name:XXX Family Name:XXX Passport Number:XXX Birth Date: XXX Visa Type: H-XXX Receipt/Filing number:XXX Scheduled Date and Time: XXX P.M. September 11, 2008 (Thursday) Appointment serial number:XXX Email:XXX Cell phone: XXX

I am looking forward to you reply soon.
Best regards,

1. 必须先通过正常途径预约才能办理加急
2. 申请加急最后把支持你必须办理加急的文件也发过去,比如发对方的邀请信或者Offer

3. 预约签证时并不是先打电话就必定能预约上早的日期,因为大使馆放号似乎不规律,遇

嗯,再Bless 我,1000pass...Bless SJTUer 签证顺利!
