- 时间:2010-08-24 17:41:07 来源:互联网 作者:爱旅行网
8月 5日: 签证官直通热线 -- View Transcript
08-05-2008 04:01:09
美国签证官: Welcome to today's webchat. We are reviewing your
questions and will begin answering them shortly.
08-05-2008 04:03:50
liuyongamtf: Dear officer, I am a J1 applicant. My application lodged on June
10th 2008. My visa officer told me that I was under checking and it will last
around five weeks. But I still haven't heard any result yet. My invitation letter
will expire in August 20th 2008. So would you please tell me who should I
call to check my status now and how long it will still take? And also, if the
letter expired, do I need to apply again? Thank you very much.
美国签证官: I am not sure what letter you are talking about. The
date on your invitation letter does not matter. What is important is the
expiration date on your DS2019. You need to enter the U.S. before the
form's expiration date. In general, we try to make sure that all students have
their visas before the start of the student's program. If you applied in Beijing,
you should send a fax to the Embassy inquiring about your application.
Please fax (86-10) 6532-3178 and include your full name, passport number
and date of birth in your fax.
08-05-2008 04:05:00
shane: Does the student who hold conditional admission,his/her visa was
easier rejected than regular stuedt?
美国签证官: It depends on the reason for the conditional admission.
The visa officer must be satisfied that the applicant is able and plans to
complete their course of study as a full-time student.
08-05-2008 04:06:08
Cherry2: Dear Sonia Urbom: Hi,this is Cherry(Zhang Xuemei). I am applying
for J1 visa in ShenYang. I was interviewed on Jun 24,2008. Aug5 is just
enough 6 weeks(At that time the visa officer told me the administrative
processing would take 3-4 weeks.) I am wondering when I could receive the
visa and passport. I'd like to ask you a question: I know if I get the visa, I
can go to the USA within 1 month. But I have no idea if I can go there after
the start date in the DS-2019 form, because the expiration date in it is from
Aug 1,2008 to Jun30,2009 and I have not recieved the visa yet. Need I
change another DS-2019 form with new date? Thank you!
美国签证官: You do not need to get a new form. You can enter the
U.S. anytime before the expiration date on the DS-2019.
08-05-2008 04:07:41 2
Alan2: I wanna pursue my Phd degree in US college, but My application of
visa has been checked for 6 weeks, and I want to know how longger should I
wait for?
美国签证官: Please see my responses above. If you program is
about to start, you should inquire about the status of your application.
08-05-2008 04:10:49
Stephen Pak: Dear Sonia, I am planning for a Honeymoon trip with my fiancé
in this coming December. I would like to ask few questions regarding B1/B2
(NIV-Visitors Visa): 1) I am currently working full-time at Shanghai. However,
I do not have my Shanghai Residency card with me as my Hukou
Registration and permanent home address is at Tianjin. Am I qualified to
apply Tourist Visa at Shanghai instead of Beijing? 2) May I use my foreign
bank (Hong Kong Citibank) and investment (E*Trade) accounts as a primary
proof of my finance support? Or I have to use China (domestic) Bank
Accounts as a primary source of financial proof. Thank you in advance!
美国签证官: You may apply anywhere, but it is best to apply at the
Embassy or Consulate nearest to where you regularly work and live. It does
not matter where your Hukou is registered. You can use finances from any
source to show that you have enough money to travel, but be aware that the
visa officer may not ask to see your bank documents.
08-05-2008 04:22:12
LK: More than one month has passed since my visa interview. But I have not
yet received my visa. I am very anxious about the check process, because I
have booked one ticket for the flight on Aug 9th. If I can not receive my visa
in time, I have to lose 350 dollars and encounter the risk of unsuccessful
journey. The most terrible trouble is that I will fail to obtain my RA position if
I can not arrive at school before Aug 19th. What shall I do now?
美国签证官: I am very sorry to hear about your problem, but our
materials clearly tell applicants NOT to book any airplane tickets until after
their visa is received. Regarding your RA position, we are making every effort
to make sure that students can arrive in the U.S. before their programs start.
If your visa is not ready in time for your program start date, you should
contact your university and explain the situation. The Department of State is
working with universities in the U.S. to educate them about the need for
further administrative processing of some visa applications. I would hope
that your university will keep your RA position for you. If you applied in
Beijing, you can send a fax to a fax to the Embassy inquiring about your
application. Please fax (86-10) 6532-3178 and include your full name,
passport number and date of birth in your fax.
08-05-2008 04:24:15
Joyce2: Dear consular officer, My friend applied for nonimmigrant visa twice,
and was rejected twice by the same visa officer. Suppose he is assigned to
this officer again next time. Can he request to be interviewed by a different
officer? He may communicate with a different officer more efficiently. Thank
you for your response! 3
美国签证官: Is it possible that your friend was confused about the
officer that interviewed him? It is our policy that applicants who have already
been refused are always interviewed by a different officer if they reapply.
Your friend can certainly request a different officer if the same officer tries to
interview him again, but this should not happen.
08-05-2008 04:27:06
罗兰静 2: hello, I have a question about the business visa. I have got the U.S.
visa with many entries within the effective time, and now I am going to lead
a group of people to America in october, should I be included in the list of
group appointment? can I enter the embassy with my group to participate in
the interview? Thank you very much.
美国签证官: Unless you are an approved tour leader with an
approved tour agency traveling under the new US-China MOU for Group
Leisure Tour travel you cannot enter the waiting room unless you are
applying for a visa for yourself. Please see http://beijing.usembassychina.org.cn/group_leisure_tours.html for more information for more
08-05-2008 04:30:56
happylh: It is said on your website that we should better ensure our
appointment for visa 6-8 weeks before our intended travel day. But a lot of
people including me cannot make it because the I-20 form may arrived late.
I got my I-20 in late June and was lucky enough to be interviewed on
July,1st but I was checked. I was told that I could receive my visa 5 weeks
later. But now it is seems that the administrative visa processing time is
becoming longer and it takes more than 6 weeks. Under this circumstances, I
can hardly receive my visa before the start day of school. Would you consider
that when processing the checking? It's important to us students.
美国签证官: I am sorry that you waited so long for your
appointment. Students are always entitled to request expedited
appointments. All students who have not yet come for visa interviews should
request an expedited appointment immediately. If you are applying in Beijing,
please follow the instructions at http://beijing.usembassychina.org.cn/niv_expedite.html. We are doing everything possible to
return student's visas before the program start date listed on the application.
Please see my earlier responses today for more information.
08-05-2008 04:32:44
dragon2: Good afternoon, Madam! I have a question about filling the DS
forms. I wonder whether part-time jobs should be filled in the DS 156 form's
Items 20 & 21. Thank you very much!
美国签证官: You are welcome to add a part-time job to your
application, please just make a note that the job was part-time. It is always
helpful for the officer to have as much information about your ties to China
as possible.
08-05-2008 04:35:04
Jecca: I wanna pay a visit to the USA for both business purpose and
travel,and because my business partner in American cannot issue an
invitation for me,can I just apply the Visa B2 for personal visit?
美国签证官: Anyone is welcome to apply for a B2 visa for a
personal visit. An invitation is not required. However, if you plan to do
business in the U.S., you should apply for a B1 visa. An invitation letter is not
required to apply for a B1 visa either, but it often helps the officer
understand your situation. You could also submit a letter in English from your
own office.
08-05-2008 04:38:18
H-4: Hi, Officer: I have a question about re-applying H-4 visa. I got my H-4
visa in Beijing on May,28,2008. The visa will expire on Aug. 27, 2008. But for
some family reasons, I have to delay my trip back to the States, and won’t
be able to leave until Sept. Another thing is that my husband came back to
China and has his H-1 visa interview in Beijing in the middle of August, since
he just has couple weeks of vacation. I am wondering if I can schedule a visa
interview with him together and apply for a new H-4 visa before my current
visa expires. Thank you so much your help!
美国签证官: Yes, you can do that. There is no problem with
applying for another visa before your current ones expires - just make sure
that you bring your previous visa to the interview so that the officer can
cancel it; otherwise, we cannot issue you a new visa.
08-05-2008 04:40:02
w.g.wu: Hello Ms. Urbom, I am a visa applicant. I want to pursue my further
studies in the US. My father will support my studies. The majority of his
incomes come from the returns of investing in the stock market. He is very
successful in stock investment and has made a large amount of money. How
should I show the visa officer that my father has enough financial ability to
support my study? Thank you very much!
美国签证官: Since stock documents can be easily falsified, the visa
officer will not be able to rely on your documents alone and will expect you to
be able to explain where the money that you will use came from.
08-05-2008 04:42:54
美国签证官: Name: 天之佑
Timestamp: 08-03-2008 22:02:40Question:
尊敬的签证官你好 我的夫人申请了美国某大学的 PHD 但是没有拿到奖金
我们刚结婚不久 我不想离开她 所以申请了携签陪读 我打算陪伴她度过留学的日子
我只想陪伴在她的身边即可 没有任何其它计划 费用家里早已准备好
请问这样去面谈是否能够通过 我不想打破她留学的愿望才舍
弃很多陪伴她去 我不想因为我的准备不足干扰她的留学生涯
请问我还需要准备什么东西才能顺利签证呢 请给我回答 谢谢 我的电邮地址
Dear Officer: My wife applied for a PHD in a US university without scholarship. 5
We just married and do not want to separate. So I want to apply for F2 visa.
I want to accompany her during her stay in the US but I do not have any
other plans. Fund is available. I only prepared my "leave without pay" work
certificate and our pictures. Do you think I can pass the interview? I do not
want to ruin her dream so I have to give up a lot of things to accompany her.
Please tell me what else I should prepare to get a visa.
08-05-2008 04:43:16
美国签证官: RESPONSE: In order to qualify for the F2 visa, you
must show two things. One, that you and your wife are married and did not
get married just so that you could get a visa to the U.S. Second, that you
have enough money available to you to support you and your wife during her
studies. Most phd programs are quite expensive and it is a little unusual for
someone to pursue a phd if they have no funding from an outside source.
You must be able to show the visa officer that you and your wife have
enough money both to pay her educational expensive and to support the two
of you living in the U.S. during her program. You should make sure you know
the laws about employment for F2 spouses. You cannot work at a regular job
with an F2 visa.
的生活。大多数的博士项目都很昂贵,攻读 PHD,如果资金上没有外援的话有些不寻常
过程中有足够的钱支持你们两个人在美国的生活。您应该确信您自己很明确的知道有关 F
2配偶签证持有人工作的法律。作为 F2签证持有人, 您不能有正式的固定工作。
08-05-2008 04:43:44
美国签证官: Name: Sandy2
Timestamp: 08-03-2008 23:16:34Question:
您好!游诗雅小姐!我想请教您 4个问题:
4.洪都拉斯国籍的中国人在中国怎么申请美国签证 ?
Hi Sonia, I have 4 questions for you:
1. How can a Chinese citizen (Chinese passport holder) apply for a US visa in
2. Does the applicant have to return to China to apply or the applicant can
apply in Australia?
3. Can Chinese apply for their visas in other countries as well?
4. How can a Chinese who has Honduras citizenship apply for a US visa here
in China?
08-05-2008 04:43:56 6
美国签证官: RESPONSE: A Chinese citizen can apply for a visa in
any country that he or she wishes. However, we always recommend that
people apply for a visa in the same place where they regularly live and work.
A Visa Officer in your country of residence will probably be able to better
determine whether or not you are qualified for a visa. You should check the
website of the Embassy or Consulate nearest to the city where you want to
apply for further information.
08-05-2008 04:44:31
Timestamp: 08-04-2008 12:24:42Question:
要求补充材料,如果材料不合格是不是有被拒签的可能? 谢谢!
1. If one of the couple get a visa, but the other is not qualified for a visa, will
this rejection have any negative impact on the other one's?
2. My friend was issued a visa but the passport has not yet mailed to him. He
then received a call from the Embassy asking for additional information. If
his materials are not qualified, will his visa application be rejected? Thanks.
08-05-2008 04:44:43
美国签证官: RESPONSE: I am afraid I am not able to answer your
first question because it depends on the circumstances of the refusal. If the
visa officer has any reason to believe that the applicant intends to misuse the
visa or immigrate to the U.S., the visa will be denied. Regarding your second
question, the applicant should provide the materials that were requested,
and make sure they are as complete as possible. There is no reason to
believe that his visa will be rejected.
08-05-2008 04:45:03
美国签证官: Name: 爻
Timestamp: 08-04-2008 20:54:06Question:
Have the Embassy moved to the new site?
Response: Not yet. We will announce our move on our website.
08-05-2008 04:46:03
美国签证官: Name: Joyce2
Timestamp: 08-05-2008 00:58:43Question:
我是想要赴美求学的学生,于 2008年 5月 9日在北京使馆面签,被 check,现在已经
近三个月了,我拿到了全额奖学金,去攻读 PhD,入学日期是 2008年 8 月 17日。我想
了解一下我的 check status 审查情况。谢谢您。 I am an F1 visa application. I am
a PHD candicate with full scholarship. I applied for my visa on May 9, 2008. I
was checked. Now three months passed. Semester begins on August 17. I
want to check the status of my application. Thank you.
08-05-2008 04:46:20
美国签证官: RESPONSE: Administrative processing for students
usually does not take that long. In general, we try to make sure that all
students have their visas before the start of the student's program. If you
applied in Beijing, you should send a fax to the Embassy inquiring about your
application. Please fax (86-10) 6532-3178 and include your full name,
passport number and date of birth in your fax.
08-05-2008 04:47:15
美国签证官: Name: lily2
Timestamp: 08-04-2008 23:25:45Question:
签证官 您好 我是 J1签证
1.我想问一下资金证明的问题 中国政府每个月给我 1200美元的资金支持 到纽约
是否还需要其他的资金证明呢? 我有一套住房 在中国已婚 有固定的工作和收入
有效期上面标示的是 2008年 8月 1日至 2009 年 7月 31日请问我的预约签证面谈的
时间是 8月 21日 这个时间晚于了 2019上的时间
Hi visa officer: I am a J1 visa application.
1. Question regarding financial certificate: the Chinese government gives me
1200USD per month. Do I need to prepare other financial certificate? I have
an apartment. I am married and I have a stable job and income.
2. The time on my DS2019 form show from August 1, 2008 to July 31, 2009.
However, my appointment is on August 21 which is late than the time on my
DS 2019. Will this affect my application? How long can I stay in the US after
I get a visa?
08-05-2008 04:47:27 8
美国签证官: RESPONSE: No financial certificates are required. You
can apply for your visa up to 120 days before the start date on your I20 or
DS2019. You need to enter the U.S. before the form's expiration date. For J1
applicants, you can stay in the U.S. until the expiration of your DS-2019. If
you need to stay longer, you can get a new DS-2019. As long as you are still
a full-time student, researcher, or professor doing the activity listed on your
DS-2019, and it is still valid, you can stay in the U.S.
不需要资金证明。在您的 I-
20或 DS2019表起始日期之前 120天您可以申请签证,并且在表格失效日期之前进入
美国。作为 J1申请人,
新的 DS2019表。只要您是从事列在您DS2019表上的活动,并且是全日制学生、研究
08-05-2008 04:58:56
w.g.wu: Hi, this is Taras. I have a question on administrative processing
(mantis checking) for H-1B visa application. I went back to China on vacation
three months ago and was subjected to an administrative processing while
trying to renew my H-1B visa stamp to re-enter the U.S. I am currently in
the U.S. but need to go back to China again next month to attend a
conference. I need to re-apply the H-1 visa stamp since the current one will
just expire by that time. So my question is: will I be subjected to the mantis
checking process again if I renew my visa stamp in September? Everything
about me will be the same as last time. I appreciate your suggestions.
Thanks a lot!
美国签证官: If your visa application was just checked a few months
ago and everything about you is exactly the same, there should be no delay
in processing your next visa. Typed on the bottom of your visa, you should
see "Clearance Received XX-MON-YEAR." If this date is within the last two
years you should not have to wait again to get another H visa.
08-05-2008 05:00:25
美国签证官: Name: connieyinqi2
Timestamp: 08-05-2008 04:06:11Question:
我已经预约了 8月份的签证,我被美国的Bryn Mawr
College 录取了,但是我父亲已持有绿卡,并于去年已经为我申请了移民,六月份时我被
拒签了,因为我没有在 156表格上写我的这种情况,主要是因为我当时害怕被拒签而影
证吗?我应该注意什么情况呢?是不是应该带上 Bryn Mawr
College 给我寄来的所有材料,以证明我是去上学,而不是为了移民。怎样才能说服签证
这之间好像很矛盾,但是我个人已经过了 18岁,我觉得自己的未来是可以自己掌握的,
料?谢谢您,渴望得到您的答复,我十分地着急,因为如果签不过的话,就会影响到我的 9
My appointment is in August. I was admited by Bryn Mawr College. My father
is a green card holder and already filed IV petition for me. I was rejected in
June because I did not put this information on my ds156. I did not do it
because I was afraid it would affect my application. If this time I told the
truth, can I get a visa? Can I bring all the materials that College sent me to
show my only purpose is to study not for immigration? My aunt whose career
is well-established will help me when I return to China. Can I say that to the
officer? What else should I prepare?
08-05-2008 05:00:41
美国签证官: RESPONSE: It is unfortunate that you were not
honest at your first application. It is always very important to be honest on
your application and in your interview. Under certain circumstances, you can
become permanently ineligible for a visa for misrepresenting yourself to a
Visa Officer. You are welcome to reapply and explain to the Visa Officer why
you lied on your first application. Only the Visa Officer who interviews you
can determine whether or not you are qualified for a visa. Having a relative
in the U.S. and/or a pending immigration petition does not automatically
disqualify you for obtaining a visa - but lying on your application usually does.
08-05-2008 05:00:57
美国签证官: Name: deadduke
Timestamp: 08-05-2008 04:09:39Question:
证大厅的人告诉我,出 2000元钱就可以得到加急的服务.我想问一下美国使馆是否提供这
Dear Officer: I accompanied my friend to go to the US Embassy to apply for
a visa and noticed that some people applied for early appointents. The
service center told me that it costs 2000 for an early appointment. Does the
Embassy provide this service?
08-05-2008 05:01:16
美国签证官: RESPONSE: NO, the Embassy does not charge any
money for early appointments!!! Certain people who have an important need
to travel to the U.S. right away are eligible for an expedited appointment.
Instructions for applying for an expedited appointment in Beijing are at
美国使馆加急面谈不收取费用。急需赴美的申请人可以申请加急面谈。在北京申请加急面 10
08-05-2008 05:02:24
美国签证官: Thank you all for joining us for today's webchat. I
appreciated your questions, and was sorry that I could not answer all of
them. Due to the Olympics, we will not have a webchat on the third Tuesday
of August. Please join us for our next webchat on Sept 2!
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