• 申请欧美留学签证英文面试参考问题

  • 时间:2012-06-29 10:55:53  来源:爱旅行网  作者:cobain


A: what is your name?

A:how old you are?

A: where are you from?

A: what are you doing now in China?

A: what is your Education background?(教育背景,什么时候从哪儿毕业的,专业是什么)

关于留学 (微博) 动机:

1 What will you do in America? / What’s your purpose for the visa? 到美国做什么?拿签证的目的?

2 Why do you want to study in America now? 什么原因让你想去美国学习?


3 Are you currently a student? What is your GPA?现在是在校学生吗?GPA是多少?

4 Did you participate in any school activities at school? 在学校参与过什么学生活动吗?

5 Did you take TOEFL? 你有托福成绩吗?多少分

6 What do you do in your spare time?平时空闲时间一般做什么呢?


7 Why do you choose to study in U.S.A now? 为什么现在选择去美国学习?

8 What will you major in? Why do you want to learn this major?你将要学习的专业是什么?为什么你想学这个专业?

9 How many schools did you apply? Why this one? 你申请了多少所?学校为什么选这所?

10 How much is your application fee? 申请费是多少?

11 How do you know the school? How much do you know about the school? /Tell me something about your major?你怎么知道这所学校的?你了解这所学校多少?告诉我一些关于你的专业的信息?

12 How long will you stay in U.S? 你会在美国待多久?

13 Where will you live when you go to US/How about your Homestay?你去美国住哪儿?你的寄宿家庭怎么样?

14 How do you know about this school? 怎么知道的这所学校?


14 When did you start work?How long have you been working?你什么时候开始工作过?你工作了多久了?

15 What’s your job?What does your company do?How much do you earn every year?



16 How much is your tuition? 学费是多少?Have you got scholarship? 你有拿到奖学金吗?

17 How much is your total cost per year? Who will fund your study in U.S?每年一共花费是多少?谁会资助你在美国的学习?

18How much will they sponsor you for your future study?Where is the money from?他们会资助你多少钱用于你美国的学习?钱的来源?

19 What do you parents do? What are their main duties in their jobs?How much can they earn for one year? How much is your parents' salary? 你父母是做什么的?工作职责?每年能挣多少?


20 What’s your future plan? What will you do after graduation? Why you want to come back to China? Can you give me some reasons?你将来的计划是什么?毕业之后你的打算?为什么你要回中国?理由是什么?

21 Do you think it’s worthy to study in U.S.A? How will your study in U.S.A help you? Why don’t you find a job in America?


22 Have you (or your parents) ever been abroad? When? For what? 你或者你的父母曾经出过国吗?什么时间?为了什么?

23 Do you have any family members in other countries?家里人有在国外的吗?

24 What is the thing you like best in America? ...Then what is the thing you don't like most in China?你最喜欢美国的是什么?最不喜欢美国的是什么?

25 Is this your first time to apply for U.S.A visa? Does anyone or any agent help you do the visa?这是你第一次申请美国签证吗?有人或者是其他机构帮助你申请吗?

27 I found you are just admitted by conditional admission, what if you won’t pass TOEFL test as you know without TOEFL you won’t be able to take master degree program in this University.你是条件录取,要是你没通过托福考试,你还能继续在大学读正式课程吗?
